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White collar crime

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We are members of the Fraud Lawyers Association and International Bar Association and have tried and tested relationships with leading King’s Counsel, Barristers, and with some of the best expert witnesses.

Solicitors for defending business crime investigations and prosecutions

Our expert business crime solicitors advise and represent companies and individuals from across all sectors facing criminal investigations and prosecution.

Our criminal defence team of more than 20 lawyers includes  and those who have advised and represented clients facing investigations and prosecutions by agencies such as His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC), Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Health & Safety Executive (HSE), National Crime Agency (NCA)and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO).

You can be confident that our team will take full control of your defence and that we have the legal knowledge and experience required to achieve the best available outcome for you.

We have advised and represented businesses and individuals on matters concerning:

  • Complex fraud investigations and prosecutions involving significant sums, including cases where assets are based abroad.

  • Conspiracy to defraud.

  • Crypto fraud.

  • Employment related fraud

  • Insider trading allegations.

  • Tax evasion and fraud

  • Fraudulent trading proceedings.

  • Breaches of anti-money laundering prosecutions.

  • Breaching UK, US, EU, and UN sanctions.

  • Corporate manslaughter.

  • Bribery and corruption.

  • Cyber Crime

  • Bribery or corruption

  • FCA or FSMA investigations and offences

  • Money laundering

  •  Proceeds of crime  offences

  • Asset forfeiture and seizure

Furthermore, these connections ensure that as a team, we are alive to new criminal defence, criminology, and UK and international regulatory developments that can benefit our clients. We have some of the best resources available to all our experts.

The investigation stage is crucial

The Code for Crown Prosecutors (the Code) is extraordinarily important in maximising the chances of avoiding prosecution. It is imperative to understand that prosecution is not inevitable following a regulatory/ criminal investigation. Tackling the investigation in the early stages minimises reputational damage. Our lawyers can also advise how to deal with the media, should the matter go public.

After an investigation has been completed, the prosecutor must apply the Code test which comprises of:

  • The evidential stage – is there enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a successful conviction, and

  • The public interest stage – is a balancing exercise in which the prosecutor must consider whether the public interest factors in favour of a prosecution outweigh those against.

The public interest stage is only relevant if the requirements of the evidential stage are met.

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Contact us today

Telephone -
9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444

Key contact

George Kampanella

Partner - Criminal law

George has expertise in representing individuals and businesses subject to investigations and prosecution by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), Crown Prosecution Service-Serious Economic Organised Crime and International Directorate (SEOCID), His Majesty’......

Contact us today

Call the Taylor Rose team or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Telephone opening hours -
9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444