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Driving while under the influence offences

Home Criminal defence Drink or Drug driving

Defence Solicitors for drink or drug driving offences

Being accused of a drink or drug driving offence can be a stressful and uncertain time. These are serious charges that can have a significant impact on your life, potentially leading to:

  • Driving disqualification

  • Hefty fines

  • A criminal record

  • Increased insurance costs

  • Difficulty securing employment

Our expert team understand the complexities of these cases and are here to provide you with the strong legal representation you need.

Potential Defences

There are a number of potential defences available in drink or drug driving cases, including:

  • Procedural errors - the police may have made mistakes during the process of stopping you, administering roadside tests, or taking blood or urine samples.

  • Inaccurate breathalyser readings - breathalysers are not infallible, and malfunction or improper calibration can lead to inaccurate results.

  • Medical conditions - certain medical conditions can affect breath test results, and expert medical evidence may be presented to support your case.

  • The "hip flask" defence - in rare cases, you may be able to argue that you consumed alcohol after driving but before being breathalysed.

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9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444