An application for a Start-up Visa is the best route for entrepreneurs who have the right business idea but who do not yet have enough funds to apply for an Innovator visa.
Many clients who obtain a start up visa do later switch to an Innovator visa which is a route ultimately to Indefinite Leave to Remain status.
Key aspects of the start up visa include :
You must be establishing a business in the UK for the first time
Your business idea must be innovative, viable and scalable
You will need to have just over £1270.00 in your bank account for at least 28 days before applying
Your idea must be supported by an endorsing body approved by the Home Office
The start up visa is a 2 year visa but it is not a route to obtaining settled status in the UK but is often used as a stepping stone for a later transfer to an innovator visa, which can lead to permanent settlement
You do not need to have significant funds in order to successfully obtain a start up visa
You can bring your family members (successful applicants can bring their family members (spouses/partners and children under 18 can be brought into the UK.
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9am to 5pm
Solicitor - Immigration
Ami is a Consultant Solicitor and Immigration specialist and has over 6 years experience in dealing with most types of Immigration matters. She particularly prides herself on her expertise in dealing with spouse visas. In addition, her vast experience......Call our team or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Telephone opening hours -
9am to 5pm