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Parallel Parenting

29th Dec 2023

What is Parallel Parenting?

In contrast to traditional co-parenting, parallel parenting prioritises individual parenting styles within separate households. While both parents actively engage with their children during their designated time, they minimise direct interaction with each other. This reduces friction and creates a calmer, independent parenting environment for your children.

When is parallel parenting suitable?

Parallel parenting thrives in situations where high conflict or communication difficulties make traditional co-parenting challenging. It's particularly helpful in cases involving:

  • Domestic abuse

  • Narcissistic partners

  • Extremely strained communication

How it works

  • Independent Parenting Styles - each parent establishes their own routines and disciplines within their household.

  • Formal Communication - communication often revolves around essential child-related matters, primarily through neutral channels like email or parenting apps.

  • Clear Boundaries - defined visitation schedules, drop-off/pick-up arrangements, and holiday plans minimize ambiguity and potential conflict.

  • Priority Given to Children's Needs - focus remains on creating a stable, emotionally secure environment for your children despite the separation.

How our Lawyers Can Help

While navigating parallel parenting independently is possible, given the strained relationships, having a formal structure in place which can be enforced, is very important. Our specialist family lawyers, based in many locations around the UK, are highly experienced and advise and assist by :-

  • Drafting a Comprehensive Parallel Parenting Agreement – generally includes contact  schedules, communication methods, financial responsibilities, and emergency procedures, reducing misunderstandings and providing a clear framework.

  • Ensuring Legal Compliance – we ensure that your agreement adheres to UK family law and is enforceable at court if necessary.

  • Mediation and Negotiation - If reaching an agreement with your ex-partner proves difficult, we facilitate and where necessary represent you in formal mediation, promoting communication and potentially reaching mutually agreeable solutions.

  • Child Representation - in certain situations, our solicitors can act for your children, ensuring their voices are heard and their well-being remains paramount.

  • Ongoing Support and Guidance – to ensure that any disagreements, non-compliance or necessary adjustments or variations to agreed issues are quickly and thoroughly dealt with so that your legal interests are fully protected.

Please do get in contact if you want to find out more about us, how we can help or more about parallel parenting under English law.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak with a member of the team you can contact us on:

020 3540 4444

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