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Support, Motivate, Lead Management Development Programme

4th Jul 2018

On 20th June 2018 the first group of managers ‘graduated’ from the SML (Support, Motivate, Lead) Management Development Programme. Colleagues had the opportunity to share their learning and how they are using it to be the people managers that Taylor Rose needs to meet its business objectives.

“Completing the SML course was so much more than management coaching.” Liz Lennox, Conveyancing Learning and Development Executive, continues to compliment the programme, “Sue Hope, Learning and Development Coordinator who designed and facilitated the programme, has techniques that challenge the way we think and shows us how we can get the best from our teams and everyone around us. I guarantee that if you engage with the process fully you will discover things about yourself that you never knew.”

Helen Townsend, Head of Dispute Resolution, comments, “An amazing and insightful course which has helped me to develop the skills that will be required of me as a manager in day to day working life. The course has allowed me to build relationships with my peers and left me feeling inspired that we are all being supported by Taylor Rose TTKW so that we can be the best that we can be.”

Hayley Smith, Paralegal, adds, “A fantastic opportunity, enjoyed every minute. We have been taught invaluable skills to use in the office environment to hopefully manage a successful and motivated team for the benefit of the business.”

Adrian Jaggard, Managing Director, presented the certificates on graduation day and fully supports the programme “I can now see the future of TR is in good hands and we look forward to future groups expanding this positive and passionate network of people managers.”

The future of the programme

The second group of managers started their journey in June and will meet for their first full day of the programme on 5th July 2018. Plans are in place for the third group to start in the Autumn. This will create a pool of 30 people managers to lead and develop their teams to be motivated and valued high performers. All the managers will have individual coaching sessions to help them as they use their new skills with their people.

Taylor Rose is a top law firm with offices in Peterborough, London, Lichfield, Liverpool, Manchester, Northampton and Workington.

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020 3540 4444

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