Examples: "divorce finances", "immigration lawyer", "agreements"

Redundancy Rights

Home Employment Law Redundancy lawyers

We advise employees on redundancy rights and potential claims for unfair dismissal or discrimination linked to redundancy.

Redundancy Solicitors

If you are an employee and need legal advice about being made redundant, our large team of over 20 specialist employment solicitors can help.

We will advise you on your legal rights, advise you whether the employers selection process is fair and lawful and how you can contest and ultimately appeal if you are selected for redundancy.

If you appeal and don't succeed, you may be able to claim unfair dismissal and/or some form of discrimination in the Employment Tribunal. We can advise and represent you on making an Employment Tribunal claim.

Is it a genuine redundancy and fair?

You may strongly suspect that your redundancy is not genuine.

Common reason employee clients believe they may not have been fairly selected for redundancy can include :-

  • where there is a history of difficulties with the employer.

  • where the employee has raised grievances or received warnings in the past.

  • where the employer has recently been recruiting.

  • where the employee has recently returned from maternity.

  • Where employees believe they have been unfairly selected for redundancy, forms of discrimination such as race, religion, gender or disability may also be involved.

Redundancy procedural fairness

For redundancy to be fair, the employer must :-

  • Consider alternatives to redundancy.

  • Have a clear and fair method of selecting employees for possible redundancy.

  • Communicate properly with employees.

  • Allow an appeal by employees who are selected.

  • Consult with employees

Redundancy Lawyers

If you need legal advice and help to understand whether your legal rights on redundancy have been breached, what options are available to you or if you want a lawyer to challenge or appeal being made redundant, please do get in contact.

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9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444

Key contact

Louisa Copsey

Partner - Head of Corporate Commercial and Employment

Louisa is a Partner and Head of Department in the Corporate Commercial and Employment departments.She undertakes a range of commercial work from advising on mer......

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Call the Taylor Rose team or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444