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Civil claims against the police

Home Civil litigation Actions Against the Police

Experienced solicitors who are genuine specialists.

Solicitors for legal claims against the police

We are a leading specialist firm in bringing civil actions against police forces and public authorities.

We represent individuals who have been mistreated by the police. Our specialist lawyers can represent you in pursuing a complaint and the full range of civil claims against the police including for:

  • Assault by the police

  • Harassment

  • Wrongful arrest and false imprisonment

  • Malicious prosecution

  • Discrimination (race, sex, disability, etc) - claims must be made within a 6 month time frame

  • Human Rights Act Claims

  • Trespass to Property

  • Miscarriage of Justice Applications

  • Data Protection Act Claims

Wrongful Arrest

This arises where an individual has been detained without the lawful authority to do so. Complaints to the police must be brought no later than 12 months from the date of the incident. Claims for false imprisonment or wrongful arrest must be made within 6 years of the incident.

Assaulted by the Police

An assault can occur when a police officer causes you to fear physical contact. A battery can occur when a police officer makes physical contact with you, for example by using a baton, truncheon, CS gas or Taser. The use of force must be necessary, reasonable and proportionate.

We have acted for many individuals in claims against the police for assault. Complaints to the police must be brought no later than 12 months from the incident and personal injury claims must be made within 3 years of the incident or diagnosis of injury sustained from the incident.

Why choose us and funding options

Our lawyers also include members of the Police Action Lawyers Group. This is a national organisation comprised of Solicitors and Barristers who specialise in representing claimants against the police.

We are legal aid accredited and can also consider no win no fee as well as other funding arrangements.

To find out more about how our experienced team can assist you, please get in touch.

Contact us today

Telephone -
9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444

Your primary contact

Kim Vernal

Head of Actions Against the Police

Kim qualified as a Solicitor in 2002 and joined our firm in 2018.  Since qualification Kim has dedicated her practice to assisting clients protect their civil liberties and rights through the law. She has over 15 years experience in acti......
More about Kim
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Call our team or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Telephone opening hours -
9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444