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Taylor Rose Reveal Outcome Of Unlawful Arrest Incident

Case Studies
20th May 2024

Jade Brown, Solicitor in our Actions Against the Police Department acted for Ms Agyemang, who was detained and handcuffed by Metropolitan Police officers on Friday 21st July at approximately 11:12 am after disembarking from bus 157 on Whitehorse Road, Croydon.

Ms Agyemang was suspected of fare evasion despite having a valid ticket. During the incident, officers grabbed, handcuffed, and insulted her. At the time she was accompanied by her young child, who became very distressed. Footage of the incident was shared widely on social media.

Jade Brown comments that “there is no power to demand that tickets are produced after a commuter has left the bus. Transport for London (TFL) need to look again at how they conduct these operations. So that commuters are not inconvenienced, nor affected by journey delays that could cause them to miss a connection or an appointment.”

A complaint was filed, and the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) confirmed an investigation was underway.

In August last year (2023), the IOPC confirmed that further complaints were received regarding the treatment of Ms Agyemang and her son during the incident. As a result, a criminal investigation was opened into the actions of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and staff during their interactions with Ms Agyemang and her son.

Jade Brown adds “The events on the 21st July 2023 and the period of time since, have been traumatic for our client. None more so than last week when Ms Agyemang was forced by PC Perry Lathwood, one of the offers involved in the incident, to give evidence at his trial.”

On Friday 17th May 2024, having learned of PC Lathwood’s guilty verdict, Ms Agyemang reveals that she feels vindicated and would like to thank the IOPC for their investigation, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for bringing this charge and the Judge who listened carefully to the evidence and came to a ‘just’ conclusion.

This decision by the court is especially important to her given the actions of the MPS, notably Chief Inspector Andy Brittain, who appeared to question the integrity of the IOPC investigation and the independent CPS decision to charge. Assistant Commissioner Twist is correct when he says it should never have escalated to this. PC Lathwood chose to grab our client, maintain his firm grip and to handcuff her. He chose to ignore his legal obligations and to insult her by calling her a ‘daft cow’. His explanation for this…’to keep her safe’. It also did not go unnoticed by our client’s family that the MPS deployed resources to support PC Lathwood at court, or that Defence counsel chose to sit next to her outside of the court room before the trial commenced.

PC Lathwood through his conduct last July and since, has caused Ms Agyemang considerable distress. At trial, showing no remorse, he sought to blame her for not submitting to his unlawful actions and disregarded the impact those actions that he had on her and her young son, despite knowing of her son’s illness.

It could be suggested that MPS should make changes to avoid future situations similar to this. Police Officers are not above the law, nor should they be. In this instance it was not a split-second decision but was in the court’s view an unlawful, unnecessary, unjustified and excessive use of force. It had nothing to do with ‘violence’, which appears to be introduced and linked to this incident by the Police Federation to detract from the reality of PC Lathwood’s unlawful behaviour. Police Officers who adhere to the law need not fear a conviction.

Jade Brown adds “our client has never courted nor wanted publicity but understands the wider public interest and importance in holding police officers to account.”

To find out more information about our Actions Against the Police Department, please click here.

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Jade Brown

Solicitor - Civil liberties

Jade qualified as a Solicitor in 2014 and joined us in 2018.

Jade has a degree in Law from Kings College London and achieved a distinction in her Legal Practice Course which she completed at the College of Law London.

Jade specialises in

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